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The ACP Private Sector Development Platform

At its meeting held in Nairobi, Kenya, in June 2014, the ACP-EU Council of Ministers adopted a Joint Cooperation Framework for Private Sector Development (PSD) support in ACP countries  articulated around four pillars:

Improving the business environment and developing regional value chains
Strengthening access to finance for enterprise, in particular MSMEs
Increasing financial inclusion
Promoting ACP-EU knowledge management

The ACP-EU Council of Ministers also envisaged the creation of a joint ACP-EU platform for dialogue on supporting the private sector and strengthening the PSD platform of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) Secretariat.

The June 2014 Declaration of the Joint ACP-EU Council of Ministers held in Nairobi, Kenya, recommended that “a Light Structure, capable of responding adequately to the needs of the ACP private sector, be set up (…).”

The Light Structure, which is referred to as “Business ACP,” exists within the framework of the ACP-EU Joint Platform for Private Sector Support. It is dedicated to enabling greater coordination and coherence in the implementation of the ACP Strategy for Private Sector Development, and the Joint ACP-EU Private Sector Development Cooperation Framework of the “all-ACP/ intra-ACP” component of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF), for the period 2014-2020.

Key figures

  • 16 in the Caribbean
  • 48 in Africa
  • 15 in the Pacific
Check the full list

Million Euros: Resources allocated to support Private sector development in ACP countries, under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF). Download PDF

  • Ownership & Partnership: associate ACP partners and implementation by organizations;
  • Coordination & Synergy: pooling of national, regional and intra-ACP efforts; better ACP monitoring and evaluation;
  • Additionality, Complementarity, & Co-financing: between actions at Intra ACP level and those at regional and national levels
  • Support for ACP regional integration processes
  • Vulnerable Regions/States: priority
  • Creation of sustainable jobs: priority to youth and women employment in sectors with high labor potential;
  • Development of skills linked to new sectors/economy

February 2020: Expiry date of the Cotonou Partnership Agreement signed in 2000 for a period of 20 years. This legal framework rules relations between the EU and the 79 ACP countries. Download PDF

Intervention areas

The Revised OACPS Private Sector Development Strategy


Our missions

Launched in February 2018, this technical assistance facility carries out the following activities, with guidance from the OACPS Secretariat :

Providing technical and administrative support to the ACP-EU Private Sector Development Platform
Promoting knowledge management and sharing with respect to private sector development
Supporting the OACPS Secretariat in the programming and evaluation of projects

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Good practices