In the framework of the 7th edition of the EU-Africa Business Forum (EABF), AgriFI, the Eufunded Agriculture Financing Initiative, and ElectrFI, the EU-funded Electrification Financing Initiative, hosted a signing ceremony and launch event on 16 February 2022.
In addition, AgriFI will also have an Infopoint on 18 February 2022.
The side event counted with the participation of Carla Montesi, Jean-Louis Ville and Hans Stausboll (DG INTPA representatives), Escipión Oliveira GÓMEZ (Assistant Secretary General of the OACPS), Idsert Boersma (FMO’s Director Partnerships for Impact), and Dominiek Deconinck (EDFI MC’s CIO).
The objective was to officially launch AgriFI and ElectrFI new windows: AgrFI will count 3 new country windows for Ghana, Sri Lanka and Tanzania and a regional window for ACP countries. AgriFI’s overall budget will increase from 40 MEUR for the initial Global window to now 120MEUR, thereby responding to specific agri-market needs. The recent top-up to the ElectriFI Kenya Country Window now in place for 23 MEUR will allow the facility to reach an overall size of 280 MEUR.
During the InfoPoint session, the AgriFI Facility will be presented in more details including the achievements made so far. In particular, 2 investments and their impact on local beneficiaries will be showcased. It will also be the opportunity to discuss the use of EU blending instruments to unlock, accelerate and leverage sustainable agriculture finance.