A virtual Information Dissemination Event on the OACPS-EU Framework Programme on Agriculture value chains will be held on 1st June 2022 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm (CET).
In 2017, ACP Council of Ministers adopted the ACP New Approach on support for the development of agriculture value chains, that would focus on Investment and Transformation in the Agriculture sector. The New Approach aims to reduce commodity dependence among Members of the OACPS by promoting value addition and diversification through the empowerment of actors along agriculture value chains. Four pillars have been identified as key in the transformation process: finance, capacity-building, trade & investment, and climate-related risks.
Within the framework of the New Approach, the Committee of Ambassadors in October 2020 approved the OACPS -EU Framework Programme on support for the development of sustainable agriculture value chains. The objective of the Programme, which has a Budget of EUR 157 million, is to empower actors along the OACPS agriculture value chains specifically family farmers and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), with an emphasis on women and youth.
The main objective of the virtual event to be host by the OACPS and the EU is to disseminate information on the Framework Programme on Agriculture value chains, specifically the actions foreseen to facilitate access to the Finance and the ones related to COVID-19 Mitigation measures.
Furthermore, the Event will facilitate exchange of information on achievements/success stories, lessons learnt from ongoing programmes (FFM and FO4ACP) through presentation of concrete activities in the field, while also disclosing challenges and difficulties encountered.
Meeting ID: 889 4227 8111
Passcode: 118044 Opening