Hybrid event to be held on 15 June 2023 from 14:30 to 16:00 CET on the margins of the Trade and Environment Week 2023
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Agricultural and fisheries production in the Members of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) play a critical role in improving the livelihoods of its people. However, events triggered by climate change, such as extreme cyclones, droughts, and floods, are significantly curtailing production and adversely affecting the livelihoods of rural populations among other agricultural and fisheries value chain actors. OACPS commodity dependent countries enter at the very beginning of Global Value Chains (GVCs), exporting their commodities as raw materials with little or no value added. This situation implies that many OACPS countries are extremely vulnerable to the fluctuations of international prices. The recent proliferation of new market access rules and regulations related to social and environmental standards to access markets in developed countries could translate to insurmountable Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and/or Non-Tariffs Barriers (NTBs) for OACPS exporters. This situation, if not addressed jointly by WTO Members, is bound to negatively affect the market access gains obtained by OACPS Members under the various trade regimes.
The OACPS is fully committed to the fulfilment of the SDGs. However, there is need to recentre trade-environment-sustainable development strategies towards “Human Welfare” targets.
The workshop will therefore seek to have an open Exchange on how to “Reach a Balance between Climate Change Mitigation Measures and Sustainable Development Efforts” by OACPS Members. The event will be held on YouTube and in Room S1 at the WTO Premises.