CRMs: promoting International Cooperation and Strategic Engagement

The OACPS will actively engage in multilateral dialogue with international partners to secure support for a holistic approach to CRMs arrangements that are fully aligned with OACPS Members’ developmental objectives. For example, the OACPS will harness the work of the UN Secretary-General’s Panel on Critical Energy Transition that recently released a number of key recommendations and guiding principles. Furthermore, the OACPS will adopt the principles of subsidiarity and complementarity, considering regional and national strategies for the development of critical raw materials, including the Africa Green Mineral Strategy.

Currently, there remains a broad array of development and policy partners operating on CRM in OACPS countries. In recognition of this, the OACPS will seek to develop partnerships with varied actors in a host of prioritised interventions, most notably, strengthening our members’ regulatory capacity; developing national and regional CRM strategies; launching skills partnerships and training; and facilitating increased foreign investment.

👉 Download the OACPS Positon paper on Critical Raw Materials
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